:Base juggler.hlp :Title File Name Juggler Online Help 1 Introduction 2 Welcome in File Name Juggler=welcome 2 Features=features 2 This application is shareware=shareware 2 Registration Form=register 1 How to use File Name Juggler 2 The Interface=interface 2 Renaming many files=rename 2 Creating a batch file=batch 2 Reordering files with numerals=reorder 2 Standardizing case and capitalization=standard 2 Tips from the author=tips 1 More about FNJ and its author 2 Features in work=future 2 Uninstalling FNJ from your computer=uninstall 2 The Design=design 2 The Author=author 1 Legal Stuff 2 Copyright and distribution rights=copyright 2 Disclaimer=disclaimer